Arizona Department of Homeland Security

Arizona Department of Homeland Security

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FFY 2010 Grant Information

Welcome to the FFY 2010 Grant Information page.

Together, AZDOHS with state, local and tribal jurisdictions, enhance the State’s efforts to prepare, prevent, and respond to terrorist attacks and other disasters by distributing grant funds. Eligible jurisdictions can apply for grants for planning, organization, equipment, training and exercise needs within the scope of state and federal grant guidance.

Each grant opportunity listed below has a specific timeline and guidance associated with it. Please review and refer to all materials associated with the specific grant when applying.

Border Interoperability Demonstration Project (BIDP)

Timeline (398.98 KB)
FFY 2010 BIDP Guidance (442.55 KB)
BIDP Information Bulletin (IB) (116.76 KB)
FAQs (133.12 KB)
Safecom Guidance (438.73 KB)
Statewide Communications Interoperability Plan (SCIP)
BIDP Grant Application Instructions (111.35 KB)
BIDP Budget Template (46 KB)

FFY 2010 BIDP applications are due NLT 12:00pm (noon) April 12, 2010. Submit application as an attachment via email to

State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP), Metropolitan Medical
Response System (MMRS), Citizen Corps Program (CCP)

Timeline (229.53 KB)
FFY 2010 HSGP Guidance (398.1 KB)
FAQs (66.56 KB)
Safecom Guidance (438.73 KB)
FFY 2010 Grant Information Seminar Presentation (2.1 MB)
FFY 2010 Application (3.4 MB)

NOTE: SECURITY WARNING will require you to ENABLE CONTENT in the application.FFY 2010 HSGP applications are due March 1, 2010.

Interoperable Emergency Communication Grant Program (IECGP)

Emergency Operations Center Grant Program (EOC)

Timeline (212.58 KB)
FFY 2010 EOC Guidance (285.83 KB)
FAQs (321.16 KB)
Application and Application Instructions (233.5 KB)

Urban Area Security Initiative Nonprofit Security Grant Program (UASI NSGP)

The UASI NSGP provides funding support for target hardening activities to nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of terrorist attack. The program seeks to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader State and local preparedness efforts. It is also designed to promote coordination and collaboration in emergency preparedness activities among public and private community representatives, State and local government agencies and Citizen Corps Councils.

To apply for the FFY 2010 UASI NSGP grant, please review and complete the documents as indicated below.

Timeline (85.91 KB)
 FFY 2010 NSGP Guidance (340.84 KB)
 AZDOHS UASI NSGP Information Sheet (496.37 KB)
 FAQs (321.16 KB)
Target Capabilities List (43.39 KB)
 Scoring Criteria (86.13 KB)

Submit the following items to:

 Investment Justification Application (180.5 KB)
 Data Collection Form (268 KB)(Complete information on all 4 tabs.)

NSGP Investment Justification Applications Deadline: Friday, February 19, 2010 by 9:59 p.m.

Operation Stonegarden Grant Program (OPSG)

Tribal Homeland Security Grant Program (THSGP)

Please Note: Tribal Nations submit Investment Justifications directly to USDHS. The timeline below is for information purposes only. Please contact Fernando Reyes at or 602.542.7008 for more information.

 Timeline (194.46 KB)
 FFY 2010 THSGP Guidance (237.41 KB)
 FAQs (55.15 KB)

Buffer Zone Protection Plan (BZPP)

Please note: Applications are prepared and coordinated in conjunction with the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center. The timeline below is for information purposes only. Please contact Michael Stidham at or 602.542.7041 for more information.

 Timeline (182.95 KB)
 FFY 2010 BZPP Guidance (243.8 KB)
 FAQs (47.76 KB)